PTA General Membership Meeting Minutes, Sept 21, 2021

BBES PTA Meeting September 21, 2021

1. Introductions

2. Administration Updates – thanks to PTA for breakfasts and the work on the picnic – updates: we are getting a new gymnasium floor, they are in the process of installing the floor now.  It’s been an issue during dismissal, usually all car riders are in gym and so now they are spread out, so the gym floor finishing soon will be really good.  Mrs. Inskeep is grateful for help at car loop, our loop isn’t designed to handle the load but she’s grateful for our patience. Dismissal is taking less time each day.  On Friday the last bus pulled out by 3:29. Staff is staying late to supervise students.  COVID update: a message is sent out whenever the school gets a positive case (four so far).  School nurse does contact tracing.  Parents are notified if quarantining has to take place.  Quarantine packets are provided plus synchronous support time.  Lexiacore, Dreambox, math and reading will happen.  In future a whole class might be shut down, if that happens then teachers will teach virtually for part of the day.  All kids will get chromebooks and academic supports at home.  There are now more robust packets that are sent home IF kids have to quarantine.  

We are doing several different tests this year to fulfill state requirements: MCAP (4 and 5 – taking the test they would have taken last spring, a postponement, have kids achieved what they needed to).  Mid-October is MAP testing (1-5 informs instruction), helpful for grouping students.  MAP again in April.  December is COGAT (state-required for indicating GT instructional needs, 3rd and 5th take it).  Access for ML (for English Language Learners).  MD integrated Science Test for 5th graders early in year, 3rd, 4th, 5th take in the spring.

Justine Sillers is new administrative intern, she hopes to be here next time.

PRE-K classes have different rules from the health departments about quarantining.

Question: construction on top of school – workers had to go through roof to access drainage repair, now putting it all back together.

Question: lunch set up – survey indicated if parents wanted children to eat out doors.  We are next on the list for a tent outside but timeline unknown.  When weather and staffing permit, kids each lunch outside under the PVMS pavilion.  Tent will be out there in that same space in the grassy area.

Question: morning busses – one bus picks up at 8:18, is that enough time for breakfast? Kids are YES arriving late but it’s not marked as tardy.  Kids can eat breakfast while listening to Social Emotional Learning time when they are late.  Transportation is monitoring when busses arrive, how many kids are on it – then some adjustments are made to try and get kids to school more on time.

3. Treasurer’s Report (Wawa Mosier)

  • Last school year’s income (dues, fundraisers): $1,302.20
  • Last school year’s expenses: $7,791.80
  • Current account balances – Checking: $19,685.96  Savings: $6,006.86
  • PTA dues to be remitted by Nov 1. 
  • Processing new memberships by early next week – you can sign up online or pay cash, check
  • Treasurer transition is ongoing, more budget specifics at next meeting 

4. Events since Last Month:

  • Welcome Back teacher breakfast: Thanks Sara and Betsy for organizing and to everyone who donated!
  • Back to School Picnic: Thank you to everyone who came out and especially to those who volunteered! We had a great turnout, over 370 people attended!   Some activities were limited due to COVID but still was great.

5. Events this Month: 

  • Fun Run Kickoff! (See below)

6. Events Next Month 

  • Wendel’s Fun Run – Main PTA Fundraiser for the year
    • Monday, Oct. 18th, during the school day (3 different time slots)
    • Kids run 1 mile around the school to help raise funds for the PTA
    • Video “Pep rally” during school day to boost kids’ awareness
    • Kids’ progress will be tracked & prizes will be given out at the class/grade level
    • Many volunteers needed to help with the event, including a Webmaster Trainee to work alongside Kari Hall
  • Trunk or Treat – Oct. 23rd, 4-6 pm (Raindate, Oct. 30th)
    • Volunteers needed to help plan the event, as well as to decorate trunks and hand out candy, and to run games
    • Planning to include a pumpkin decorating contest – looking for someone to be in charge
    • Looking to move the event to the back parking lot so we can block off cars and use the blacktop for games

7. Activities

  • Membership: You can fill out a membership form, membership requires a $10 enrollment fee, either a check made out to Bollman Bridge PTA or cash in an envelope marked PTA with your name on it. You can pay online using PayPal (please visit the membership tab on our website!)
  • Volunteer Opportunities: Sign up to join the PTA listserve, find us on Facebook at Bollman Bridge Elementary PTA, We will be sending out volunteer emails starting in a few weeks.
  • Staff Appreciation: Coffee Cart TBD
  • After School Activities: TBD, Chairperson needed!!! – not doing at this time
  • Beaver Cart: start date in October. Beaver Cart will look a lot different to start this year. Students will pre-order items within their grade level pods and these prizes will be dropped off in their classrooms. We will need volunteers to help fill orders and drop them off in classrooms. Everything will be in denominations of 10 and the “menu” will be streamlined for the now. The new menu will be available and explained to students beforehand.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Chairperson and Committee Members needed!!!
  • Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students): Jeremiah Hill
  • Fundraising:
  • Wendel’s Fun Run (already discussed)
  • Spirit Wear – Order forms went home, can send orders to school or purchase online, Order Deadline is Oct. 1st.
    • PTA receives $2 for every shirt purchased
  • Spirit Nights – We need a volunteer to help plan!!! 
  • Amazon Smile & link grocery cards to BBES

Question: sizing on spiritwear is hard to read on the flyer, how do they run?  The TieDye things run smaller, Jen thinks they run average for other tshirts, but run small for sweatshirts.

8. Volunteer Needs –  need new people to step into these roles:

  • Spirit Night coordinator
  • Webmaster Trainee for the PTA website, Fun Run website and auction website (can be 3 people or 1)
  • Volunteers for the Fun Run
  • Silent Auction Chairperson trainee and committee members
  • Diversity and Inclusion Chairperson, Committee Members
  • Beaver Cart volunteers (during the school day, fulfilling orders)
  • Trunk or Treat volunteers (to plan and to run the event the day of)
  • Yearbook committee
  • Watch D.O.G.S. volunteers

No after school activities planned through the school anymore, all done through parks and recs (including chess club)

FYI: Effective 10/4, all HCPSS volunteers who interact with or support students must provide proof of vaccination status or a negative COVID test (within 7 days of the current date) when they check in.   More info to follow.

9. PTA Council of Howard County (PTACHC) – Kari Hall 

10. Suggestions & Comments???

Question: any guidelines for events inside – other limitations other than mask requirements?  We can choose to do in person if we want, like Back to School Night.  Please note that we will keep reassessing because contact tracing would make it such that seating charts etc. would make it safer in a large gathering.  Will keep thinking about it as year goes by.

Question: training for volunteers? It’s required and it’s a packet – or you can do it online.  You can get packet from office, read through powerpoint slides that are printed out and sign.  Very simple and can be done also with paras in the grade.

Questions; do we do booklet or catalog fundraising?  We have in the past – sometimes the school does, but not the PTA anymore.

11. Future Events (Tentative!)

  • Silent/Online Auction – Dec. 2021
  • Hearts of Bollman Bridge – February 2022
  • Family Bingo Night – Winter/spring 2022
  • Culture Fest – Spring 2022

In attendance: Jen Macomber, Corinne Edwards, Wawa Mosier, Kari Hall, Sara Smith, Rhonda Inskeep, Heather Tracy

Members in attendance in person: 19

Members watching online: 8

Respectfully submitted,

Corinne Edwards

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