10/8/19 BBES PTA Meeting Minutes
- Administrative Updates:
-Interim reports sent home
-Engineering Night is 6 pm on 8/10. This event is free for families. Paid for by Title 1 funds.
-There is a lot of excitement among students for the fun run and sliming teachers.
-Thanks to Hispanic families for the delicious luncheon
-Thanks to Watch D.O.G.S. and volunteers for a successful event
- Diversity and Inclusion Committee:
-Every meeting will include a 5-minute discussion regarding the BBES community and diversity and inclusion topics
-Matthew Brewrink, BBES’s Title 1 point of contact described Title 1
-Purpose is to support students at greater risk of failing to meet state standards
-Funds come from federal government to states who then distribute it among counties.
-The funds need to be supplemental funds and cannot replace other funds that are to be provided to the schools. They are data regarding number of FARMS students (students who are receive free and reduced lunch).
-In Howard County, all Title 1 funds are used at the elementary level, given the importance of early intervention.
-BBES has a schoolwide program that benefits all students. We benefit from increased staffing (interventionists, support teachers, reduced class sizes, additional planning time, tutoring), materials (Dreambox, math manipulatives, computers, books, evening activities).
-Diversity and inclusion committee will have Culture Fest in the Spring, and the timing will align with events at PVMS and Hammond. They also want to hold a Longest Table event to build community.
- Events this Month:
–Back-to-School Nights-new PTA members
–Orioles Game-low turnout. Will have to revisit whether we do this next year.
–Pep Rallies for Fun Run-kids loved it. Classes all got banners to decorate.
–Fun Run-over $5000 raised so far. Mrs. Betts class got PJ day and Rice Krispie party for being the lead class so far. New prizes this week-top 2 classes will get extra recess. The fun run is next week on 10/17, and we need volunteers for water, directing kids, Wendel, set up, and clean up. Sign up genius online.
–Trunk or Treat-Saturday, October 26. We need volunteers to decorate trunks and donate candy. Will need candy for at least 300 students, 150 nut-free treats. Reach out to Lakesha Ott if you want to help with activities, such as games, decorating bags, etc.
- Membership:
-Website is up and running. Can pay online
- Staff Appreciation:
-Coffee Cart will be October 23. Donations needed.
-Staff luncheon in November for parent/teacher conferences.
- After-School Activities:
-SciKidz-Science and engineering starting October 17. Can still sign up.
-Chess will start in November.
- Beaver Cart:
-Starts Friday. Need a couple more volunteers for 1st grade on Monday mornings from 8:10-8:45 & Kindergarten in afternoon.
- Fundraising:
-Spirit Wear should be ready in 2-3 weeks
-Spirit Nights-Rise Biscuits will give a % of all proceeds for the day
-Box Tops-app to scan receipts
-Silent Auction-December 2-13.
-Look into beer pouring at Renaissance Fest or Merriweather to raise money
-We could use a back-up PTACHC rep. Meetings are the first Monday of every month from 7:30-9 at Homewood.
Adjourn 7:37pm