PTA General Membership Meeting Minutes, October 10, 2017

Principal’s Update:

  • Water donations are still needed for 8AM Wellness walk at BBES on Saturday
  • Yankee candle fundraiser being held by the school, starts on 10/16 for 2 weeks; proceeds go to benefit resources for students (BrainPop program is one possibility)
  • Interim reports come out on Thursday
  • MAP testing almost finished (baseline), in past years, Grades 1-5 were each tested 3 times a year; this year Grades 3, 4, 5 will not do spring based on feedback from parents and teachers
  • Over 40 kids signed up for chess club, more turned away


  • Boosterthon is allowed if schools choose to use them in the future
  • APFO was big topic of discussion; requesting that parents write to express concern about rate of development in county which outpaces ability of schools to keep up with enrollment
  • Resources for parents:
    • Special Ed Citizens Advisory Committee, Facebook group: HOCOSECACC
    • HoCo Office of Children and Families –support base for school and family related questions

410-313-CARE, also assists families in locating child care options

Treasurer Update:

  • We’ve had two Boosterthon collections/counts, about $2000 in pledges are still outstanding
  • About $27,000 in account currently, but Boosterthon has not taken their share out yet (about $12,000)
  • Now that we know where we are, we will try to finalize the budget allocations (working on it later this week)
  • Merritt’s plan is to send out proposed budget prior to November meeting so people will have a chance to review and we will vote on it in November

Online Auction: first week of December

  • Lots of contributions and plenty more pending:

-front row seats to 5th grade graduation, 2 swim lessons with Ms. Jordan, $90 Otterbox gift card, extra                recess, lunch with Wendell, visit to birthday party by Wendell, principal or VP for the day, tickets to              National Aquarium, lots of gift cards

-staff items: cupcake decorating party, lunch bunch, movie for student and friend, lunch and golf balls,              3D printing and coding, hiking, after school karaoke party, Nationals tickets

  • Planned platform is

Multicultural Night Update: 11/10 at 6:30PM

  • 5th graders will do presentations (choose a country)
  • 4th graders are making flags
  • 3rd graders are doing suggestion boxes for next year
  • 2nd graders will be greeters in different languages
  • K and 1st will do a fashion show
  • Information fliers will be in next week’s Wednesday folders
  • Parent volunteers still needed

Box Tops and Misc. Fundraising Updates:

  • We have about $500 left over from boxtops last year (from March on), $106 submitted so far, $170 about to be sent off, about $200 waiting to be counted
  • Make sure name, grade, teacher is on bag so they can enter into class contest for Pump-It-Up party
  • Occasional raffle prizes for anyone who has turned in even a single box top
  • Ice cream social for winning grade at end of year


  • – Please designate BBES PTA as your charity, then shop by originating at that website so we receive a portion of your purchase proceeds


  • Harris Teeter does rewards program, very few places still do, remember to re-link your VIC card each year


  • Spirit Restaurant Nights: two times a month is the goal
  • Red Robin night sounds like it was a big success, tons of families, servers commented on high number of BBES.
  • Grotto Pizza on Wednesday 10/11

Hearts of Bollman Bridge:

  • Any interest in holding a dance for the weekend before Valentine’s Day? Parent/child theme? Yes!
  • Hearts sent home to families who could decorate/dedicate it and they could be used as decorations at the dance
  • Glow sticks? Snacks? Photos? Buy a teacher as your date?
  • Looking for a volunteer to head this committee.

Coffee Cart: October 18th

  • Donations (homemade or store bought) can be dropped off at side door of cafeteria during before care hours (7AM to 8:30)

Trunk or Treat: Friday 10/27

  • Bin in the mail room to collect candy and prize (bubbles, tattoos) donations
  • Expecting 300+ kids to come through
  • Partnering with math night; must have completed math night ticket/hand stamp to go through trunk or treat


  • Jen Macomber needs people to take photos at evening events
  • Email her if you are going to be at an event so she can arrange to get you the cameras
  • Goal is to provide a yearbook for every fifth grader by asking for BBES parents/staff to donate one if they are able.

Fifth Grade Updates:

  • Fifth graders have many financial needs: graduation, BBQ, t-shirts, field trip, simulated Congress.
  • Box tops may help fund some of these costs
  • Sandy will look into getting sponsors for the programs (Congress, graduation)

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